Why a 15-Year Mortgage Is Better

A 15-year mortgage payment is not always that much more. A lot of folks think its unaffordable.

Well, not always. Allow us to explain.

Reason #1: The payment difference is not that much.
Let’s review the difference between a 30-year term and 15-year term on a $200,000 mortgage.

A 30-year mortgage on a $200,000 loan with 6% interest has a payment of $1,199 (not including property taxes and insurance). On that same house, the payment on a 15-year mortgage with a 3% interest rate would be $1,381. That’s only a $182 difference every month!

Let’s say you have a 4% interest rate. $1,479 is your payment. That’s $280! That’s not much more to save hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you do the math, that ends up being a savings of $183,060 for very little in payments!

30-year total payments = $431,640

15-year total payments = $248,580

Reason #2: You build equity in your home faster.
The 15-year mortgage on the $200,000 loan has been paid down to about $81,000 and the balance on a 30-year mortgage is only down to $162,000. What does this mean?

This means if you have a 30-year mortgage, you’ve paid almost $130,000, but you’ve only knocked $38,000 off the loan. Over the past 10 years, you’ve given the bank over $90,000! You’ve paid the bank more than double the amount you’ve built in equity.

Because you’re making larger payments on a 15-year loan, you pay down the interest on that loan a lot faster, which means more of your payment goes to the principal balance every month.

Reason #3: You end up paying off your house in half the time.
If you get a 15-year mortgage, it’ll be paid off in 15 years. Why would anyone choose to be in debt for 30 years when they can get out in only 15 years?

Keep a Long-Term Perspective
If you think you’re getting a better deal with a 30-year loan because you saved a few hundo every month, then you are thinking short term.

With a 30-year mortgage, you’re literally throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Get the Right Mortgage
There are a lot of options when choosing a lender. We have a portal where you can get a quote for a refinance AND apply for access to the grants database all in one. You get to compare and contrast all of the different options for a refinance and search for grants all with one action.

Take a look at our database and refinance programs here.

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Christopher Charles spent 6 years in the mortgage industry before moving into the world of digital media. He's helped thousands of families buy and refinance real estate at banks and mortgage companies and now continues that mission through industry-leading content. Chris is known for his expertise in the mortgage & real estate industry and continues to produce content all over the web.

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