Maryland Unveils $3M Solar Grant.

Empowering Marylanders with Affordable and Clean Energy: New Funding Announced

Maryland Energy Administration Advances Community Solar Initiatives

In a recent announcement, the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) unveiled its latest grant funding initiative aimed at bolstering community solar projects across the state. With a resolute commitment to enhancing affordability and inclusivity, MEA Director Paul G. Pinsky emphasized the importance of enabling all Marylanders, regardless of their socioeconomic status, to access clean and affordable energy alternatives.

Community Solar LMI-PPA Grant Program: Fiscal-Year 2024

This forward-looking initiative, known as the Community Solar LMI-PPA Grant Program for fiscal-year 2024, is allocated a substantial budget of approximately $3 million sourced from the state’s Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEIF). Notably, individual grants under this program are capped at $500,000 for each project. The primary objective is to provide financial support to community solar subscriber organizations facilitating clean energy subscriptions within Low-to-Moderate-Income (LMI) communities.

Building on Previous Success: FY23 Achievements

Highlighting the program’s effectiveness, the MEA showcased the remarkable outcomes of the previous fiscal year. The FY23 offering elicited an unprecedented response, incentivizing the implementation of 60 community solar projects. These projects collectively boasted a solar capacity of 69 MW, generating an impressive 90,685 MWh of clean energy in the inaugural year. Notably, over 43,000 MWh of this clean energy was directed towards LMI households.

Competitive Landscape and Application Details

With the program gaining significant traction and demonstrating its impact, the MEA anticipates heightened competitiveness in the current fiscal year. Applications for the Community Solar LMI-PPA Grant Program are currently open and will be accepted until Thursday, February 29, 2024. Prospective projects seeking support in expanding community solar initiatives are encouraged to submit their applications before the deadline.

A Decade of Community Solar in Maryland

Community solar has been a viable option for Maryland residents since its introduction in 2015 through the Community Solar Pilot Program. Recognizing the positive outcomes and the growing importance of such initiatives, the Maryland General Assembly further solidified its commitment by passing H.B. 908 in the 2023 legislative session. This legislation mandates the establishment of a permanent community solar program, set to be operational by January 2025, marking a significant stride towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future for the state.

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