The American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA), a government-owned electric utility, is the only power provider in this U.S. territory of almost 55,000 people. ASPA’s "Interconnection and Net Energy Metering Policy" took effect May 5, 2008. Net metering is available to residential and small commercial customers with wind or solar-energy systems up to 30 kilowatts (kW) in capacity, although ASPA may extend the policy to larger systems for larger industrial customers in the future, or on a case by case basis. Net-metered systems must be intended primarily to offset part or all of a customer’s requirements for electricity. Customers with net excess generation (NEG) will receive full kilowatt-hour credits that are carried forward to the next bill for one year. At the end of the year, any existing credits are surrendered to the utility with no compensation for the customer.
Systems must meet the National Electric Code (NEC), the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), relevant IEEE technical standards, and UL safety and performance standards. In addition, system owners must install a manual, lockable external disconnect switch. Additional insurance is not required as long as the system meets the above stated standards. There is a one-time $45 application fee for both interconnection and net metering.
Systems must meet the National Electric Code (NEC), the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), relevant IEEE technical standards, and UL safety and performance standards. In addition, system owners must install a manual, lockable external disconnect switch. Additional insurance is not required as long as the system meets the above stated standards. There is a one-time $45 application fee for both interconnection and net metering.
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