Hornell Provides Grants Through the Housing Rehabilitation Program for Homeowners in Need
The City of Hornell, NY has received funding through the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) to assist homeowners to make essential home repairs and to correct basic structural deficiencies that present health and safety hazards to the residents. Hornell was successful in both its 2019 and 2021 grant applications, collectively totaling just under $1 million aimed directly at improving the city’s housing stock. This Housing Rehabilitation Program is managed by Cindy Burdell, the city assessor. The process starts with a health and safety assessment, including a lead test.
“It’s a huge tool for the city,” said Mayor John Buckley. “It’s a direct shot in the arm into the neighborhoods to address some of these homes. A lot of these folks are on fixed incomes and couldn’t otherwise afford to make some of these repairs. A lot of these people are elderly. A lot of seniors apply for this funding and it has been very successful in the city.”
Find out if you qualify for these programs here.
The program does not fund new construction, but only repairs that prevent homes from falling into decline. Eligible improvements include repairs to major building systems (roof, electrical, heating, plumbing) as well as code items and other necessary repairs. Priority is given to properties in greatest need of rehabilitation. Grants vary, depending on need. And the demand for the program is very high. To be qualified for housing rehabilitation assistance, you must be the owner and occupant of a single-family house in the City of Hornell. Your total household income may not exceed the 2021 HUD income limits. Priority will be given to households that qualify as low or very low-income households. In addition, the mortgage (if any) and property taxes for the property must be current.
“Our challenge is we always have more applicants than we have funds,” said Buckley. “Even with the two (current) grants adding up to just about $1 million, the money doesn’t go as far as it used to, especially with inflation, but it still makes a significant impact on the quality of life of the residents who utilize the program.”
If you are in need of such funds, contact the city assessor Cindy Burdell at (607) 324-7421. Application forms are also available at City Hall.