The Housing Development and Beautification Program Funds Help Residents of Sandusky
Sandusky residents can now use the Housing Development and Beautification Program and apply for a share of $400,000.00 intended for very specific purposes, like substantial redevelopment, exterior repairs and home purchase assistance. This amount is more than double from last year’s when 50 property owners received financial assistance.
“We feel that this program is a valuable tool in creating a livable and vibrant community,” said Debi Eversole, the city housing development specialist overseeing this initiative. “It is important to take pride in where you live. Often this assistance is the determining factor whether a homeowner is able to make improvements to their property. Neighborhood stabilization and beautification can also attract visitors to want to live here.”
Uses of the Housing Development and Beautification Program
Housing Development and Beautification program funds can be used for the following purposes:
- Substantial Redevelopment – $5,000.00 grant assistance for eligible projects in excess of $20,000 per unit. The intent of this program is to spur new in-fill housing construction, redevelopment of vacant homes and apartments and major renovations to existing units in order to preserve existing building stock and increase the diversity of housing options and types within the City. Eligible uses include environmental remediation, demolition, physical construction costs, site work and improvements, soft costs including but not limited to architectural drawings, surveys, cost estimates, market studies, environmental reports and appraisals, and more.
- Exterior Repairs – Grant assistance of 50% of eligible project costs (maximum grant amount $3,000.00). The intent of this program is to aid in the redevelopment and beautification of existing housing units. These efforts will preserve the quality and condition of existing housing stock, address major physical needs and code violations, increase property values and spur additional private investment. Eligible uses include physical construction costs including porches and steps to the front entrance of the home, siding, windows and doors, roofs, and painting, demolition, dead tree/overgrown shrub removal, fence removal, driveway installation, and more.
- Home Purchase Assistance Grant assistance – $5,000.00 for all eligible home purchases. This program aims to increase homeowner occupancy in the City and make the goal of homeownership a reality for residents that may have been traditionally limited to renting, including those who may not have enough money saved for unexpected out of pocket costs. Eligible uses include assistance with lender requirements and title company closing costs, and City will provide $5,000.00 to eligible applicants which will be disbursed to the Title Agency.
Find out if you qualify for these programs here.
“The program was designed, in part, to enhance the neighborhood’s appeal for current and prospective residents,” Eversole said. “With the two improvement facets of the program, we are seeing new development projects, remediation of code compliance violations, and vacant dwellings being revitalized with this program. This, in turn, may attract visitors to want to purchase property and live in our city.”
Eligible properties include residential property containing 3 units or less, owner-occupied and long-term rental property, new construction of a residential property, physical improvements to the dwelling that can be seen from the street, and the purchase of a home in the City of Sandusky, Ohio. The program goes off a first-come, first-served basis.
Applications can be submitted to [email protected]. If you need more information contact the City at 419-627-5832.