Kentucky Homeowners Embrace Sustainability Through New Solar Panel Program

Kentucky Homeowners Embrace Sustainability Through New Solar Panel Program

In Lexington, Kentucky, the power of the sun is becoming an invaluable asset in lowering utility bills and reducing the city’s carbon footprint. In a joint statement on Tuesday, Mayor Linda Gorton and city officials celebrated the success of Solarize Lexington, a groundbreaking sustainability initiative designed to make solar panel installation affordable for homeowners.

Key Facts You Should Know:

  • Solarize Lexington offers substantial tax incentives to local homeowners who invest in solar panel installation.
  • Open to all Lexington homeowners, the program also invites applications from other property owners including nonprofits, small businesses, and religious establishments.
  • The program has had significant success with low- and moderate-income households, accounting for 38 of the 58 recent additions to the program.
  • As a result of the Solarize Lexington initiative, the city’s homeowners have committed to installing approximately 500 kW of residential solar power. This commitment equates to avoiding around 14,000 tons of CO2 emissions over the lifespan of solar panels.

Benefitting from discounts of up to 23% on residential solar panel installation costs, dozens of Lexington residents have already seized the opportunity provided by the program. Mayor Gorton praised the initiative saying, “Solarize Lexington has become an exceptional resource, enabling our citizens to secure solar panels for their homes at a reduced rate. This sustainability effort is playing a pivotal role in lessening homeowners’ reliance on the conventional electric grid.”

To discover whether your property is eligible for the program, complete the Solarize Lexington interest form on the official city website at before the deadline of Friday, September 1. Note that filling out the form is an expression of interest and does not bind you to any purchase.

The suitability of your property for solar installation is assessed by considering factors such as your roof’s orientation, shade cover, and available space. If your property is a good fit, your details will be forwarded to a solar installer who will guide you through the following steps. If your property is deemed unsuitable, the reasons will be shared with you.

Reflecting on the impact of Solarize Lexington since its 2023 launch, Steve Ricketts, chair of the Kentucky Solar Energy Society, stated, “The program has catalyzed a significant surge in community solar adoption in Kentucky. After the success of last year’s Solar Over Louisville campaign, Lexington has centered its focus on ensuring low- and moderate-income households have fair access to renewable energy options backed by generous grants.”

Ricketts highlighted the inclusion of low- and moderate-income households, which made up 38 of the 58 recent enrollees in the program.

Solarize Lexington, representing the largest single clean energy investment in Kentucky aimed at aiding low- and moderate-income households, has demonstrated its transformative potential. In 2022, the city allocated $1 million in one-off grant funding to entirely cover the solar panel installation costs for qualified low- and moderate-income homeowners.

Participants are responsible for covering the discounted cost of solar panels and installation. Federal tax credits can further assist in offsetting these costs. All solar installations are arranged through individual contracts between the property owner and the solar installer.

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