Duke Energy Solar Rebates End with A Final Lottery and Waiting List

North Carolina Solar Panels

Duke Energy, one of the largest energy providers in the United States, has recently concluded a five-year, $62 million program aimed at incentivizing rooftop solar installations across North Carolina. The program was mandated by a 2017 state law and was intended to end in the summer of 2021. However, around $1.3 million remained unallocated, leading to Duke Energy conducting a final lottery this month.

Did you know that there are several Ohio solar incentives, rebates, and programs expiring in 2023? Before you start worrying, you should know that there are unbelievable new incentives here now! Check out one of the most popular resources for learning about these programs in the link below.

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Despite the program’s immense popularity, it has fallen short of meeting the demand for solar installations in North Carolina. This year, 356 customers were awarded the final rebates, the majority of whom were residential property owners. Unfortunately, an additional 2,900 customers remain on the waiting list, and most of them are unlikely to receive the rebates. Homeowners can receive up to $4,000 in rebates, while businesses can receive up to $30,000.

Duke Energy has confirmed that it does not have any immediate plans to offer additional rebates, but is looking into other ways to promote the adoption of renewable energy in North Carolina. Randy Wheeless, a spokesman for Duke Energy, stated, “There’s nothing immediate now, although we are looking for ways to have new solar programs to promote renewable energy in North Carolina.”

Duke Energy has also proposed significant changes to the way that rooftop solar owners are compensated for energy that they generate and send to the electric grid. The proposed “net-metering” changes would reduce payments to solar owners and add a monthly fee for any customers who install solar panels. These changes have garnered mixed reactions, with some stakeholders arguing that the proposed changes could hinder the growth of solar installations and disincentivize customers from investing in renewable energy.

Overall, Duke Energy’s solar rebate program has been a significant step forward for renewable energy in North Carolina. However, as the program ends, it is unclear what the future holds for renewable energy incentives and programs in the state.Regenerate response

Christopher Charles spent 6 years in the mortgage industry before moving into the world of digital media. He's helped thousands of families buy and refinance real estate at banks and mortgage companies and now continues that mission through industry-leading content. Chris is known for his expertise in the mortgage & real estate industry and continues to produce content all over the web.

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