These Companies and Groups Can Aid in your Transition to Solar Energy

Solar Companies

Rooftop solar power is an important part of the electrified home of the future. However, installing solar panels can be an expensive and complicated process. Fortunately, there are resources available to help homeowners access solar power regardless of their budget or level of knowledge about the technology.

Did you know that there are several Ohio solar incentives, rebates, and programs expiring in 2023? Before you start worrying, you should know that there are unbelievable new incentives here now! Check out one of the most popular resources for learning about these programs in the link below.

Access Ohio Solar Programs

Co-op solar is another option. When solar consumers pool their purchasing power, solar installers and their suppliers must compete for business, resulting in cheaper costs for customers and economies of scale for the supplier. Organizations such as Solar United Neighbors and the Solarize program are examples of cooperatives that help homeowners learn about residential solar and aggregate their buying power.

For renters, community solar is a solution that allows multiple households to jointly own or subscribe to a solar project. Several states, including Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New York, have developed community solar programs. The Inflation Reduction Act, which passed in August 2022, provides additional tax credits for community solar installations that benefit low- and moderate-income communities.

Low- and moderate-income households are also increasingly using rooftop solar to reduce their energy costs. PosiGen provides solar power and efficiency upgrades for low- to moderate-income households in several states, while other initiatives have been launched to offer affordable leases, third-party ownership, or grants for solar equipment. Several states, including Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, have launched pilots and programs to reduce energy costs for low- and moderate-income homeowners.

While there are still challenges ahead in terms of interconnection, net-metering policy, and workforce issues, rooftop solar remains a compelling option for decarbonizing and electrifying homes. As solar panel prices continue to drop and efficiency improves, homeowners have more options for accessing solar power, making it an accessible and sustainable energy solution for everyone.

Christopher Charles spent 6 years in the mortgage industry before moving into the world of digital media. He's helped thousands of families buy and refinance real estate at banks and mortgage companies and now continues that mission through industry-leading content. Chris is known for his expertise in the mortgage & real estate industry and continues to produce content all over the web.

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